In "Verity", Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling writer who is offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to complete the remaining books in a popular series after the original author, Verity Crawford, is incapacitated due to an accident. When Lowen arrives at the Crawford home to gather materials for the next book, she discovers a hidden manuscript—an autobiography that Verity never intended for anyone to read. The manuscript reveals disturbing secrets about Verity’s life and her past, including chilling admissions that could devastate her family, especially her husband Jeremy Crawford.
As Lowen becomes increasingly drawn to Jeremy, she is faced with a moral dilemma. She knows that revealing the truth could destroy Jeremy’s life, but at the same time, keeping the manuscript hidden could have its own consequences. The story delves into themes of deception, obsession, and the dark side of human nature, building tension as Lowen is caught in a web of secrets.
"Verity" is lauded for its gripping suspense, unexpected plot twists, and psychological complexity. It is a departure from Colleen Hoover's typical romance novels, offering readers a thrilling, edge-of-your-seat experience. The book has garnered widespread praise for its dark, unpredictable nature and its powerful, shocking ending.