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Good to Great by Jim Collins (high quality)

Good to Great by Jim Collins (high quality)

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Excerpt from A History of the Mahrattas, Vol. 1 of 3

In this work, I owe much to Mr. Elphinstone, to whom I am not only indebted for the position that afforded me the opportunities to pursue this study, but also for the encouragement without which I may never have dared to undertake this project. I am also greatly obliged to my esteemed friends, Captain Henry Adams, Revenue Surveyor to the Raja of Satara, and Mr. William Richard Morris, of the Bombay Civil Service, who acted as my first assistant during this endeavor. These gentlemen generously translated numerous documents, including hundreds of deeds and letters, many treaties, and several voluminous histories. For years, after their regular public duties were complete, they devoted their time and effort to assist me in my work.

About the Publisher:

Forgotten Books is dedicated to publishing rare and classic works. Their catalog includes hundreds of thousands of important historical books. The technology used by Forgotten Books ensures that the original format is preserved while rectifying the imperfections found in older copies. In some instances, flaws such as blemishes or missing pages may still appear in the reproduction, but most imperfections are repaired successfully. Any remaining imperfections are deliberately retained to maintain the integrity of the original work.

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